Checkmk, problem checking the CPU rule of the machine to which the agent was installed

This message keeps appearing, even after creating a rule and allowing permissions to view CPU statistics

Hi Victor,

welcome to the community!

That’s interesting. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Looks like the service details you would expect on the System Time service, not on CPU Utilization.

What datasource is this? Agent? SNMP?

The data source is via Agent

I also looked on some forums and saw something about date and time, I created a specific time, however, it didn’t change anything

Hi @Victor.Marques,

you see this message after adding the service to the monitoring configuration in the service discovery. You can just ignore it there. After applying your changes you see the real output of the service but not in the service discovery screen.

Hope this answers your question.


I understand, I was thinking it was an error, as it didn’t show anything even though I created the services and rules, but it’s ok, thank you very much!!

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