CheckMK Raw Docker Image 2.2.0p15 - TCP check no longer working

CMK version:
Docker Image with Tag 2.2.0p15

Error message:

When updating to the Tag 2.2.0p15 TCP checks no longer work. Rolling back to the 2.2.0p14 docker image fixes the issue.

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)
Command not available in docker.

likely the same issue as in the CRE deb package, looks like the openssl libraries have been updated but the nagios checks are still linked against the old libraries.

Checkmk 2.2.0p15 has been withdrawn due to this issue. See

Same issue here with CRE 2.2.0p15 on CentOS 7, I have TCP checks that got “Return code of 127 is out of bounds, plugin may be missing”.
Rollback resolved the issue.