CheckMK RAW Kubernetes

Hi , I just switched from Free edition to RAW.
Before I would setup my Kubernetes > Dynamic Host Management > Create Hosts in folder.
How can I do it with RAW edition,
I’m not able to find any good Document and Guidance, please advise.

You can’t. The Nagios core of the RAW edition is not suited for frequent configuration changes.

Is there maybe some other way I can added hosts after I setup K8s.
I saw there is REST API documentation but there wasn’t an example of how to add hosts in this case.

Hi @ronald_sp,

you can look into check-mk-goodies/autopb at master · hweidner/check-mk-goodies · GitHub, but the performance issue with the frequent config changes remain, so running autopb more than every 30 minutes will be risky.
also, without the CEE I think you’re missing the k8s dashboards as well.
