Checkmk Tutorial Series on YouTube

Hello dear Checkmk Community,

In case you missed it, we have recently started a Checkmk Tutorial Series on YouTube to teach topics around using Checkmk. Right now the videos are in German (with English subtitles) and the English versions will be created soon.

We plan to create more content other than tutorials like interviews etc. Feel free to suggest more content/topics that we should work on.

Here are the link to the videos so far:
Episode 1: Installing Checkmk and monitoring hosts
Episode 2: The UI and the sidebar
Episode 3: Installing the Windows Agent and Monitoring Windows Servers
Episode 4: Monitoring Network Devices via SNMP

Please like, share and subscribe! :wink:

Best regards,


In Episode 2 the new Modern (Dark) theme is mentioned. Unfortunately with this new theme, it is no longer possible to collapse an snapin in sidebar. Moving the mice on the “-” states “Toggle this snapin” but toggling do not work. How to collapse a snap in with this new theme?


I tested with WATO - CONFIGURATION, I get the WATO - CONFIGURATION sticked on mice pointer as shown in picture. I edited this post to insert the picture.

I am looking forward to new videos.
Maybe it’s good to have a link in the description to the forum for further question. Better keep all questions on one platform and let the community help each other.


Hi Walter, I tested your issue with 1.6.0p8 and I cannot reproduce. Click on the "- " or the Snapin Title toggles the Snapin as expected. Testet with Firefox 72 and Chrome 79

Hi gulaschcowboy,
I also use Chrome 79 and I see this issue only with Modern (Dark) theme. In screenshot you see the title “WATO - CONFIGURATION” sticks on mice and moves around instead of toggling the snapin.

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Hi Walter,

yes I also tested with the dark theme as I’m using it daily. But I’m sorry, I can’t reproduce it.

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Episode 3 is now out!


Hi Walter, I am also using CMK Enterprise and just upgraded to 1.6.0p8 with the dark (modern) theme. I can see the the same problem as you. When I click on the “-” the snapin minimises and then is just dragged around by the mouse. However, if I double-click the snapin title, e.g. “Bookmarks”, then the snapin behaves as expected. Looks like a bug. I hope others can reproduce it. Browser: Chrome Version 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit).

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Hey SystemPro,
I just tested it out. It seems to happen when you click on the minimize icon and move the cursor while the left mouse button is being held down. Afterwards the snapin is stuck to the cursor until you double click or more the cursor all the way to the right edge of the sidebar.
This is not Google Chrome specific.
I can imagine this to happens more often when you use a mouse-pad.

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Thanks for acknowledging the behavior. I’m sure I’m not moving the mouse, though.