Checkmk UI crashes : 502 bad gateway error when click recent event history

Hello Tech team,
We are using checkmk in production and it is set up as distributed monitoring. Check mk is deployed in the docker container.
There are 20GB of event history data present. when we view recent event history (views->recent event history) and click any event to view then checkmk crashes and checkmk UI starts showing “502 bad gateway” error page. During this error period, checkmk container was up and there are was issues.
After 5-6 mins, this error goes out and checkmk UI comes up.

The same “502 bad gateway” error page also comes when we click “History of event” button ( Tachtical view->Unhandled->Event detail page by clicking event link -> “history of event” button).

Please suggest how to fix this issue.

Did any one face this issue ?

It would be good to take a look at the Apache log and if possible to provide the lines with the error message.
I have instance running inside Docker but without Event console.

One problem i see in your system is

If it is history of event console then it is very big and i think you have a resource problem inside your container.

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