Checkmk with Kerberos SSO & Active Directory in 2023

I failed to set up Kerberos Single sign-on (SSO) for Checkmk and Active Directory (AD) in the first place so I decided to write this How-to.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to attach html or pdf files, only sh, vbs, and ps1 are allowed :man_facepalming:

A simple text dump of the document for the search engines.

                  Kerberos SSO & Active Directory in 2023 v1.0
   Grepmeister MiMiMi
   version v1.0, 2023-07-27 10:00:00
   Table of Contents
     1. Intro
     2. What needs to be done ?
     3. Prerequisite
        3.1. Set up /etc/krb5.conf
        3.2. On Windows
     4. Create the keytab file
        4.1. Linux (msktutil)
        4.2. Windows (ktpass.exe)
        4.3. Verify the keytab file and SP in AD
        4.4. Install the keytab file on the checkmk server
     5. Apache Config
     6. Browser Settings
        6.1. curl
        6.2. Firefox
        6.3. Google Chrome
        6.4. Microsoft EDGE
        6.5. Safari
     7. Troubleshooting
     8. Resources
     9. Known problems
1. Intro
   I failed to set up Kerberos Single sign-on (SSO) for Checkmk and Active
   Directory (AD) using the Single sign-on with Kerberos document (which is
   not officially supported by Checkmk btw.).
s not complete as of 2023-07-18.
   I guess this is why it
s not officially supported.
   I noticed that not only me but also other Checkmk users failed to set up
   So I decided to write this How-to.
s not easy and it
s not trivial, since many pieces have to fit
The source of this document is located here.
Please open github issues or pull request to improve the document.
   The SAML document introduced for checkmk 2.2. helped a lot to get the
   apache config settings right.
   I am using Windows Server 2019 and Checkmk 2.1 while writing this
   Table 1. Example Environment used in this document:
         Item               Example in this document               Note
   Kerberos Realm   IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD                         Always upper
   ServicePrincipal HTTP/         
s HTTP not
   (SP)                                                      HTTPS.
   Server URL
                                                             In Active
                                                             Directory (AD)
                                                             you have to map
   AD Service User  svc_checkmk_http_prod                    a
                                                             (SP) to a user
   Domain                                                    acts as Key
   Controller (DC)  ad.mycompany.tld                         Distribution
                                                             Center (KDC)
   Checkmk Site     prod                                     the checkmk site
2. What needs to be done ?
We need to set up a trust relationship between the Checkmk Servers
       site apache and the Active Directory (AD) by exchanging a kerberos
       keytab file once.
A keytab file contains a kind of shared secret.
To create the keytab file we will either use msktutil on Linux or
       ktpass.exe on Windows .
We will need a domain user to map the ServicePrincipal (SP) to.
On Windows you have to create the user manually first.
msktutil on linux will create the user on its own for you.
Finally we have to adjust the checkmk site apache configuration to use
       the kerberos in the file auth.conf .
3. Prerequisite
Your checkmk is reachable by a FQDN and uses https (see Securing the
       web interface with HTTPS).
Forward and reverse DNS entries are working.
Your Web Browsers trust your checkmk server
s FQDN. (see Browser
       Settings below)
You have got a Kerberos Ticket Granting Tickets (TGT) (kinit
       <AD-User>, klist, on Windows you get it automatically on Domain login)
Keep in mind that usually your Active Directory (AD) Servers first
       have to sync. It can take up to 15 min until all servers know about
       the new user and the SPN mapping.
  3.1. Set up /etc/krb5.conf
On Linux most kerberos related tools and libraries honor the
       /etc/krb5.conf config file.
Therefore I use this minimal /etc/krb5.conf:
  1 [libdefaults]
  2 default_realm = IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD (1)
  4 dns_lookup_kdc = false
  5 dns_uri_lookup = false
  7 [realms]
  9   kdc = ad.mycompany.tld (2)
 10 }
 12 [domain_realm]
 13 .mycompany.tld = IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD (3)
 14 mycompany.tld = IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD (4)
   1 replace with your Kerberos Realm
   2 replace with your Active Directory (AD)
   3 map your DNS domain to your Kerberos Realm
   4 map your DNS domain to your Kerberos Realm
  3.2. On Windows
   Windows Servers typically already know everything about their kerberos
   Usually there is no need to configure anything.
4. Create the keytab file
I prefer to use msktutil to create the keytab containing the
       ServicePrincipal (SP), because it is easy and just works.
But since msktutil is not available e.g. on the Checkmk Appliance I
       will also explain how to get a keytab file with the Windows tool
       ktpass.exe (which has got some pitfalls).
  4.1. Linux (msktutil)
    You have to adjust some values to match your environment.
as checkmk site user obtain a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket:
 kinit <ad-admin-user>
 $ kinit Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 Password for Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
now it should look like this
 $ klist
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
 Default principal: Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
 24.07.2023 19:56:34  25.07.2023 05:56:34  krbtgt/IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
         renew until 25.07.2023 19:56:17
With this TGT we can run kerberized commands against the AD.
This script will create the keytab file for you using your TGT:
  1 #!/bin/bash
  3 msktutil \
  4   create \
  5   --server ad.mycompany.tld \
  6   --description "Created by $USER on $(date +%F)" \
  7   --dont-expire-password \
  8   --no-pac \
  9   --no-reverse-lookups \
 10   --user-creds-only \
 11   --use-service-account \
 12   --keytab svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab \
 13   --account-name svc_checkmk_http_prod \
 14   --realm IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD \
 15   --enctypes 0x10 \
 16   --service HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld
Line 05: --server use one of your active directory servers
Line 12: --keytab the name of your keytab file
Line 14: --realm your kerberos realm
Line 15: --enctypes 0x10 stands for aes256-cts-hmac-sha1
Line 16: --service your ServicePrincipal (SP) in the form HTTP/<FQDN>
   list the content of the keytab file
 $ klist -kte svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 Keytab name: FILE:svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 KVNO Timestamp           Principal
 ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
    1 24.07.2023 20:13:14 svc_checkmk_http_prod@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
    1 24.07.2023 20:13:14 HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
   test if you can authenticate using the the keytab
 $ kinit -kt svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab 'svc_checkmk_http_prod@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD'
 $ klist
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
 Default principal: svc_checkmk_http_prod@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD (1)
 Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
 24.07.2023 20:16:23  25.07.2023 06:16:23  krbtgt/IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
         renew until 25.07.2023 20:16:23
   1 your kerberos identity
   try to get a kerberos service ticket
 $ kvno HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD: kvno = 1
   Now you can continue with Install the keytab file on the checkmk server.
  4.2. Windows (ktpass.exe)
if you can not use msktutil on linux:
   Create a User
Open Active Directory Users and Computers
New > User
User logon name: svc_checkmk_http_prod
          Password: Choose a random password, we will set it to random later
          User must change password at next login (not selected)
          User cannot change password
          Passwod never expires
          Account is disabled (not selected)
Properties > Account > Account Options:
          This account supports Kerberos AES 256 bit encryption.
   Export Keytab file
open an cmd.exe as Administrator
I use AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 because I believe that this is state of
       the art.
Create the keytab file
 ktpass ^
   -princ HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD ^(1)
   -mapuser svc_checkmk_http_prod@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD ^(2)
   -out c:\svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab ^(3)
   -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL ^
   -crypto AES256-SHA1 ^
   1 adjust for your ServicePrincipal (SP)
   2 adjust for your service user
     keytab file, delete it after it got moved to the checkmk site
Result should look like this:
 C:\Users\Administrator>ktpass ^
   -princ HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD ^
   -mapuser svc_checkmk_http_prod@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD ^
   -out c:\svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab ^
   -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL ^
   -crypto AES256-SHA1 ^
 Targeting domain controller: ad.mycompany.tld
 Successfully mapped HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld to svc_checkmk_http_pro.
 Password successfully set!
 Key created.
 Output keytab to c:\svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab:
 Keytab version: 0x502
 keysize 95 HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) vno 3 etype 0x12 (AES256-SHA1) keylength 32 (0xd44915d771c04f7b12b74b4caa2f018d51c6007642962bbe4821aa83be395af1)
once you copied the keytab file into your checkmk site you should
        remove the file as it contains a valid domain password.
it can take up to n minutes that this gets replicated to your other
        domain controllers.
Check the Service Principal to User mapping
 C:\Users\Administrator>setspn -L svc_checkmk_http_prod
 Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=svc_checkmk_http_prod,CN=Users,DC=mycompany,DC=tld:
    4.2.1. install the keytab
   the quickest way is to pull it from the DC to the omd site
 OMD[prod]:~$ kinit <ad-adminitstrator>
 OMD[prod]:~$ smbclient -k  //ad.mycompany.tld/C$
 smb: \> get svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 getting file \svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab of size 101 as svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab (98.6 KiloBytes/sec) (average 98.6 KiloBytes/sec)
Or use putty/scp or whatever to copy the svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
       to your checkmk site.
  4.3. Verify the keytab file and SP in AD
since we Set up /etc/krb5.conf we can now use tools like kinit, klist,
   list the keytab file content
 OMD[prod]:~$ klist -kt svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 Keytab name: FILE:svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 KVNO Timestamp         Principal
 ---- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------
    3 01/01/70 01:00:00 HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
   get a TGT
 OMD[prod]:~$ kdestroy
 OMD[prod]:~$ kinit Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 Password for Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD:
 OMD[prod]:~$ klist
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_999
 Default principal: Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 07/26/23 16:39:07  07/27/23 02:39:07  krbtgt/IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
         renew until 07/27/23 16:39:07
   try to get the service ticket
 OMD[prod]:~$ kvno HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD: kvno = 3
   list your TGT and service tickets
 OMD[prod]:~$ klist -e
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_999
 Default principal: Administrator@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
 Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
 07/26/23 16:39:07  07/27/23 02:39:07  krbtgt/IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
         renew until 07/27/23 16:39:07, Etype (skey, tkt): aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
 07/26/23 16:39:20  07/27/23 02:39:07  HTTP/monitoring.mycompany.tld@IT.MYCOMPANY.TLD
         renew until 07/27/23 16:39:07, Etype (skey, tkt): aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
  4.4. Install the keytab file on the checkmk server
copy the svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab to the prod site
   make sure it is only readable by the prod site user:
 chown prod:prod svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 chmod 400 svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
the result should look like this
 OMD[prod]:~$ ls -l ~/etc/apache/svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
 -r-------- 1 prod prod 198 Jul 24 20:13 /omd/sites/prod/etc/apache/svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
5. Apache Config
As site user prod:
   move away cookie_auth.conf, we do not need it
 mv -v ~/etc/apache/conf.d/cookie_auth.conf ~/cookie_auth.conf.bak
   New Apache Config ~/etc/apache/conf.d/auth.conf
 1 Define SITE prod
 2 #           ^^^^ (1)
 5 #            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (2)
 7 <IfModule !mod_auth_kerb.c>
 8    LoadModule auth_kerb_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
 9    #                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (3)
10 </IfModule>
12 <Location /${SITE}>
14   # Use Kerberos auth only in case there is no Checkmk authentication
15   # cookie provided by the user and whitelist also some other required URLs
17   <If "! %{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ /^(.*;)?auth_${SITE}/ && \
18     ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
19     ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
20     ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
21     ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
22     ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
23     ! %{REQUEST_URI} -strmatch '/${SITE}/check_mk/api/*' && \
24     ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}check_mk/' && \
25     ! %{QUERY_STRING} =~ /(_secret=|auth_|register_agent)/ && \
26     ! %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/${SITE}/(omd/|check_mk/((images|themes)/.*\.(png|svg)|login\.py|.*\.(css|js)))# ">
28     Order allow,deny
29     Allow from all
31     Require valid-user
33     AuthType Kerberos
34     AuthName "Checkmk AD Kerberos Login"
35     KrbMethodNegotiate on
36     KrbMethodK5Passwd off
37     KrbLocalUserMapping on
38     KrbSaveCredentials off
40     # Environment specific: Path to the keytab, REALM and ServicePrincipal
41     Krb5Keytab /omd/sites/${SITE}/etc/apache/svc_checkmk_http_prod.keytab
42     #          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (4)
44     KrbServiceName HTTP/
45     #              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (5)
46     KrbAuthRealm ${REALM}
48     ErrorDocument 401 '<html> \
49       <head> \
50         <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL=/${SITE}/check_mk/"> \
51       </head> \
52       <body> \
53         Kerberos authentication failed, redirecting to login page. \
54         <a href="/${SITE}/check_mk/">Click here</a>. \
55       </body> \
56     </html>'
58   </If>
60 </Location>
62 # These files are accessible unauthenticated (login page and needed ressources)
63 <LocationMatch /${SITE}/(omd/|check_mk/(images/.*\.png|login\.py|.*\.(css|js)))>
64   Order allow,deny
65   Allow from all
66   Satisfy any
67 </LocationMatch>
   1 add your checkmk site name (instance)
   2 add your Kerberos Realm
   3 on redhat based systems the path is different FIXME
   4 add your ServicePrincipal (SP) HTTP/
   restart site apache
 omd restart apache
I noticed, that it is crucial that forward and reverse DNS match.
Now, with a valid TGT you can access your site.
6. Browser Settings
  6.1. curl
handy for troubleshooting and quick testing your kerberos setup.
make sure you have a valid tgt ticket (kinit <ad-user>, klist )
   curl can do kerberos via negotate autentication
 curl --negotiate --user :
   check for WWW-Authenticate and Authorization headers:
 curl \
    --verbose \
    --silent \
    --negotiate -u : \
    "https://monitoring.mycomany.tld/prod/check_mk/"  2>&1 \
    |  grep -P '^[<>]+ (WWW-Authenticate|Authorization): +'
   You should see somehting like this
 > Authorization: Negotiate YIIFzwYGKwYBBQUCoIIF... (1)
   (multiline base64 output
 < WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate oYG3MIG0oAMKAQChY... (2)
   1 request header
   2 response header
  6.2. Firefox
Configuring Firefox for Negotiate Authentication
Enter you DNS Domain for which you want to use kerberos:
 about: config
 network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris: .mycomany.tld
So it will match monitoring.mycomany.tld
Firefox will then send a HTTP Header to the Checkmk Server that
       signals the apache, that it can do Kerberos.
This sould bring you to your user profile without a login screen:
 firefox-esr "https://monitoring.mycomany.tld/prod/check_mk/"
  6.3. Google Chrome
They recently changed the kerberos relevant parameter for
       google-chrome and its clones from --auth-server-whitelist to
This works now for me now:
 google-chrome --auth-server-allowlist="*.mycompany.tld" https://monitoring.mycomany.tld/prod/check_mk/
s now 
-allowlist not 
-whitelist anymore.
  6.4. Microsoft EDGE
On Windows EDGE usually already trusts your DNS domain.
  6.5. Safari
I have no clue. But Safari can do Kerberos SSO as well. Somehow.
7. Troubleshooting
If something is fishy, start from scratch. Delete the domain user,
       wait until all DCs synced and create it again.
increasing the apache debug level does not help much instead run it in
       the foreground with -X and LogLevel increased to trace8
 omd stop apache
 $ grep ^LogLevel etc/apache/apache.conf
 LogLevel trace8
 /usr/sbin/apache2 -f /omd/sites/<site>/etc/apache/apache.conf -X
 /usr/sbin/apache2 -f /omd/sites/prod/etc/apache/apache.conf -X
If you recreated the ServicePrincipal and keytab for some reason it
       might be the case that you are still working with the old Service
       Ticket therefor do a kdestroy, kinit <username> again. On Windows you
       may have to logout and login again.
8. Resources
9. Known problems
svc_checkmk_http_prod gets truncated to svc_checkmk_http_pro
 sAMAccountName: svc_checkmk_http_pro


thanks for sharing with all! I adapted much of your input into the article.


Maybe this will sound dumb.

But how do you login with users from a group in AD?
Im confused whether this is made still inside inside kerberos or checkmk?
I’m not versed in this technology


If you set up Kerberos like in the document, everybody who can authenticate to your Active Directory can also login to your checkmk instance.

But often this is not wanted.

  1. To limit the users who can access Checkmk the easiest way is to assign roles to influence this.
    In the Global setting > User management you can define a default user profile and its role.

There you can define a role with no access and make it the default
and for some other users you can assign roles like normal user, guest user or administrator.
Usually you set up an ldap sync in Checkmk and let it map ldap groups to Checkmk roles.

  1. A second approach is to modify the apache auth.conf to not only require kerberos auth but also chain mod_auth_ldap and then use something like Require ldap-group gid=cmkusers,cn=company,cn=tld but this is only for advanced users, but still possible.

I followed your document and was able to make sense of all of this. Thanks a lot for that

I setup LDAP on the past so it should be no issue. I’m just wondering, why is it required to modify the apache auth.conf as well for the LDAP?

Won’t the LDAP configuration inside checkmk be enough? I’m thinking because with this new auth.conf file the authentication won’t be using LDAP and therefore not work if we don’t specify to use LDAP as well?

I’m just wondering, why is it required to modify the apache auth.conf as well for the LDAP?

No it’s not, it’s just an option.

Won’t the LDAP configuration inside checkmk be enough?

Yes, in combination with mapping ldap groups to checkmk roles.