Checkmk YouTube Livestream | 19th May 2021 | CANCELLED

19th May 2021 | 6:00pm / 18:00 CEST / 12:00 EDT / 09:00 PDT

Dear Checkmk Community,

As we have discussed in the last events, we’re organizing online events where you can learn more about what’s new in Checkmk 2.0.

We are trying out a new format that is different from our Community Calls. This event will purely be a YouTube livestream, live from our newly-built Checkmk studio in Munich :wink: This livestream will be hosted by our very own Mathias Kettner, and you’ll get to interact with him live.

Hope to see you there!


EDIT: Event is cancelled



unfortunately we have to postpone this event for the time being. The new concept we wanted to try is currently not permitted with the current Covid regulations due to our rather small studio.

We wanted to try a talk show with several participants. But with the tech crew also having to be in the studio, this will not be possible as we are only allowed to have 2-3 people in the room.

We will likely do this event sometime after our Checkmk conference, which is only one month away.
We will keep you posted!

Sorry! Martin