Cisco switch port state UP shown as critical?

CMK version:2.3 raw
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04lts

Hello I added a cisco switch dans two of the ports are reporting as the Operational State as UP and checkmk is reporting the state as critical ?

I don’t understand what’s the problem and why only those two ports ?


checkmk saves the state (up/down) of all interfaces during discovery of the host / switch.
At that time these two interfaces were down and went up now. As the current state is not like the desired state, checkmk shows the critical message.
You can do a discovery with “Remove all and find new” to resave the current state as the desired state.

Additionally you can tell checkmk to ignore the up und down state (and more stuff) with the rule “Network Interfaces and Switch Ports”.

Thanks for the info, I followed this article and like you said it solved my issue by not monitoring port speed and operational state

Network Monitoring with Checkmk: 3 rules to rule them all | Checkmk.

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