Clear nullmailer queue on appliance?

CMK version:

Error message:
Monitoring alert: Deferred: 0 mails, Size: 4 B, Failed: 28 mails (warn/crit at 1 mails/1 mails)CRIT, Size: 720 B

How is it possible to clear the nullmailer queue without ssh root access? The internet says either through web interface (manage email) or by clearing them manually through ssh: You can remove all files in /var/spool/nullmailer/queue via CLI.

Problem is that the web interface doesn’t show failed mails and therefore can’t clear them and given its license root access through CLI isn’t available to have necessary permissions to clear files in the path mentioned.

The error can never be recovered/solved it seems?

Reference to what I found: Clearing the Nullmailer Queue

Thanks & BR

Hi @checkmk_user and welcome to the forum! :wave:

In this case, it is perfectly fine to enable root access to the appliance to remove the failed mails and disable root access afterwards.

There is already an internal ticket though, so we might look into this at a later time.

Hi Robin,

thank you very much!

How to enable root access? It’s not allowed/possible in the community edition?

BR Stefan

Yes, if you are the most recent firmware, you should be able to enable root access on the virtual console.