Configure checkmk and AZURE STACK HUB ( private cloud )


is there any documentation to help me to configure Checkmk to monitor azure stack hub ressources ( private cloud ) . beacause only azure public is mentionned in the official documentation .

As per this you could use the Nagios plugin in order to set this up.

In Checkmk, our special agent has to talk to the following in order to do authentication and fetch the relevant metrics:

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great . this helps me a lot .

thank you .

Hello chauhan,

I realised all the steps mentioned in the articles…

1- download nagios plugin for Azure stack hub
2- installed python package ( checkmk server)
3- copied nagios plugin files to the local destination
4- create AD spn
5- modified azurestack.cfg with my azurestack environment
6- create a host with an azure rule in the checkmk interface and start a discovery but the discovery don’t show any result .

i hope you give me more details about steps to do after configuring azure stack hub plugin to discover azure stack services in checkmk interface .