Connect checkmk raw to influxdb using nagflux

we want to send performance data from checkmk raw (1.6.0p6) to InfluxDB (1.7) using nagflux.
Paths for the performance data in the nagflux configuration seem to be specified for standalone nagios setups. Does this work with checkmk raw installations with nagios core?
Has anyone successfully connected checkmk raw to an influxdb database with nagflux or other tools like graphios?
Thank you in advance!


As far as I know checkmk raw does not support this, only the CEE, but it is possible to use grafana with CRE and pnp4nagios. If you are interested just take a look to the following theard:


Hi ghassan,

The CMK PNP4nagios datasource connection with garfana also worked for us as mention in shared thread but we are looking for any solution to send performance data from checkmk raw (1.6.0p6) to InfluxDB (1.7) using nagflux or any other tool.

Thanks for your input.

I’m Also looking for this. :frowning:

I’m wondering if it’ll be included in the next release of the Raw edition.

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