CRIT - [snmp] keepalive timed outCRIT, Got no information from host, execution time 184.8 sec

CentOS 8 :

CRIT - [snmp] keepalive timed outCRIT, Got no information from host, execution time 184.8 sec

Hi, i’m having issues with SNMP.

I’ve been trying to increase the OIDs per BulkRequest and nothing happened.
I also increased the timeout of SNMP and still didn’t work. I analyzed the network traffic with TCPDump and I realized that the OIDs are showing but it takes way too long to recieve them.
Honestly I have no clue what to do next.
(I tried everything from the following blog too: Monitoring with SNMP: Troubleshooting in God Mode | Checkmk)

If it is really a problem of slow SNMP response can be checked with an snmpwalk on command line.
As example if you take the interface table OID.
snmpwalk -v2c -c community IP .
If you measure the time of this walk, you should get a good impression if this is fast or slow.
Fast devices don’t need more than 1 seconds for the complete interface table.

Hi, Andreas.

Sorry for taking too long to reply, I used the command you provided me and It was in fact a problem of slow SNMP.
We rebooted the switch and it worked for us.
