Custom check state UNKN under service discovery page


I’ve got a simple custom snmp check to check the status of a raid. The check works as expected and I can see the status chaning depending on the raids “health” status.

However I’ve noticed that when going into the service discovery page of my host the custom check/service state is UNKN and checkmk is reporting that the check plugin received no monitoring data. Am I missing something?

custom check

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from .agent_based_api.v1 import register, Result, Service, contains, SNMPTree, State

def parse_nas_raid_check(string_table):
    result = {}
    result['raid_status'] = string_table[0][0]
    return result

def discover_nas_raid_check(section):
    yield Service()

def check_nas_raid_check(section):
    if section['raid_status'] == 'Degraded':
        yield Result(state=State.WARN, summary="Raid is degraded")
    elif section['raid_status'] == 'Ready':
        yield Result(state=State.OK, summary="Raid is OK")

    name = "nas_raid_status",
    parse_function = parse_nas_raid_check,
    detect = contains(".", "my-nas"),
    fetch = SNMPTree(

    name = "nas_raid_check",
    sections = ["nas_raid_status"],
    service_name = "Raid Status",
    discovery_function = discover_nas_raid_check,
    check_function = check_nas_raid_check,

Monitor > Overview > All hosts > myhost

Setup > Hosts > Main > myhost