Custom Host Attributes as variables for local checks

CMK version: 2.2.0p9

So, I have a CLI-based custom service which requires to eat some variables, and I want this to be scaleable.

Please enter the complete shell command including path name and arguments to execute. If the plugin you like to execute is located in either ~/local/lib/nagios/plugins or ~/lib/nagios/plugins within your site directory, you can strip the path name and just configure the plugin file name as command check_foobar. You can use monitoring macros here. The most important are:

    $HOSTADDRESS$: The IP address of the host
    $HOSTNAME$: The name of the host
    $_HOSTTAGS$: List of host tags
    $_HOSTADDRESS_4$: The IPv4 address of the host
    $_HOSTADDRESS_6$: The IPv6 address of the host
    $_HOSTADDRESS_FAMILY$: The primary address family of the host

All custom attributes defined for the host are available as $_HOST[VARNAME]$. Replace [VARNAME] with the upper case name of your variable. For example, a host attribute named foo with the value bar would result in the macro $_HOSTFOO$ being replaced with bar

If I define a tag group named Dummy, then I can add use the variable $_HOSTDummy$, don’t even need to fullcapitalize it despite the tooltip claiming so (found out accidentally).
This needs, as I understand it so far, to use the ID, not the title. This can also simply be inherited from the tree.

However, if I create a Custom Host Attribute in the same tag group in order to be able to set a non-predefined string individually per host, it just doesn’t ever seem to resolve that variable created through the same pattern.

So, it looks like this issue is workaround-able, since you can just define any value you want as a tag option and then select that, but it’s not nice if you want to individualize this property host by host.

Is this expected behaviour or a problem? The help text mentions “All custom attributes” and “a host attribute”, which makes it sound like CHAs should definitely work, while tags which do work are not even listed in that block.