Dashboard editable for all admins

Is it possible to create a dasboard that all other admins can also edit?

Any full admin can edit any dashboard.

Unfortunately not in my case
I don’t have the icon to edit the dashboard and even when i open the dashboard the option to edit is not available to me


The missing icon:

and the missing menue:

Maybe Permissions were changed by accident for the Admin Account ? Verify that all settings are set to “yes” in “Setup->Users->Roles & Permissions”. Here you can filter for “dash” as shown in the screenshot below:

These are my settings
nothing has been changed from the default settings

What could be the reason that this is not working on our side?

Could this checkbox be the culprit?

This checkbox is activated, all users see the dashboards. Only the admins cannot edit them.
As you can see in the screenshot, the logged in user is admin but cannot edit the dashboard of another admin.


I am having the exact same issue, only the admin that creates a dashboard can edit the layout (will get the purple icon in “edit dashboards”). Did you guys find a fix?

One significant problem with our dashboards is that when a user is deleted from our Active Directory, their associated dashboards are also removed.

How can we prevent that?


you can create additional checkmk user accounts like “dashboard-admin” that are indepent of your ldap users and use these accounts to create the dashboards.

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We also are experiencing this issue. Admins CANNOT edit other users dashboards. This makes it very inconvenient when the original author is not available for a small change.

Is this planned as a future feature?

I was able to replicate these issues where Admins could not add to dashboards.

We also found that there are 2 associated werks that may fix this issue in the next patch release:

So should be fixed once the release comes out!

We don’t allow our users to create personal dashboards like that, we have separate AD enabled functional users that owns all dashboards.

This is not ideal as we also cannot edit that dashboard (as another user)
IIRC there is no permission for this but can be wrong.