Dashboard Gauge - can't use my added SNMP OID

Checkmk Free Edition 2.1.0p28

can’t create Gauge of added SNMP OID - CPU Temperature

I added an SNMP OID Check for my Synology NAS so check the CPU temperature:

i set this check for an explicit host = my NAS

It is working fine - even with performance data:

But I can’t make it work as Dashboard Gauge.

whatever I put into the yellow marked fields…

I always end up like this:

Any ideas? Hints?

thank you

Synology OID is about system temperature, not CPU.

If you add -u °C -l Temperature to your check_snmp command line, your service output will have °C as units added and the graph will use Temperature as label for the graph metric instead of the OID Iso. Hopefully the metric name error will be gone then.

Since I am using raw, I can’t make a gauge in a dashboard, so can’t test any further than this.

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first I could not find the right Service Name with Service Description field, but next day it suddenly appeared (or my eyes gett’n old :crazy_face:) and - thanks to Yggy. - , now I got a perfect gauge.

thank you very much.