Debian 11 Perl issues

Sorry for the late response - Now I had time to have an view on that issue:

On one of my systems with Debian 11, CheckMK is working fine:

dpkg -l |grep check
ii   check-mk-free-2.0.0p17   0.bullseye   amd64

I upgraded from Buster as well but I can’t remember the way I changed CheckMK

On the other system I have the issues with Debian 11:

dpkg -l |grep check
ii   check-mk-enterprise-2.0.0p17   0.buster   amd64

But I’m not able to upgrade it:

sudo gdebi check-mk-enterprise-2.0.0p17_0.bullseye_amd64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
This package is uninstallable
A later version is already installed

Is there a way to force the upgrade?