Dell IDRAC 7 not getting all info

Not sure anymore why I reinstalled the server. At some point, he crashed, and I went for a complete reinstall. This was done some months ago. And lately, I noticed that the checks for my RAID configs isn’t done anymore.

In short:

  1. Backup taken over WATO
  2. Installation of OS (Ubuntu 19.10)
  3. Installation of Check_MK (currently 1.6.0p2)
  4. Restore of backup
  5. My server (PowerEdge R720 with Dell Idrac 7) is nicely reachable over snmp.
    Nothing was changed on this server, beside some changes for testing (fe v2 to v3 and back).
  6. With tavanez, I’ve add a manual python scripts and mibs. And this all seemed to worked (in cli).
    All info is getting in when I run ‘/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/ -H audrey -v2c -c l3z3r’
    But when I try to add a ‘manual check’ in checkmk, it’s not been split between all checks.
  7. I then recalled that I didn’t do this with my old installation (the manual checks).
    And after checking the ‘check plugins’, several SNMP checks exist for Dell (openmanage, idrac, poweredge…).
    So somewhere, the link isn’t made between the plugin and my host.

Thanks already for your patience and help !!!