Dell IDRAC 7 not getting all info

grrr, indeed. I copied it into 5 different mib-folders, except the /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.
Now it works much better.

./ -H audrey -v2c -c COMMUNITIY

– PS 1: OK, Volt I/O: 264 V/230 V, Current: 0.8 A, Watt I/O: 594.0 W/495 W
– PS 2: OK, Volt I/O: 264 V/234 V, Current: 0.4 A, Watt I/O: 594.0 W/495 W

Next step is now telling checkmk to use this plugin?
I just removed the host, and made a new one, but it’s not picking up the plugin/mib… :blush:

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