Developing Custom Active Check with multiple services?

Hi all,

i am currently developing a custom active check. In the forum I already found this post and oriented in that way Creating a custom active check? - General - Checkmk Community

My question would be if it is possible with a single active check definition to print out multiple services and not only a single service like in the picture? so that it is not only “DNS ip” but

“DNS abc”
“DNS something else”
“DNS something different”

Because my script is return multiple information and not only single… Unfortunately in the documention on the homepage I couldnt find anything with respect to that topic and how to format the data or if my request is even possible…

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

As far as I’m aware only local checks supports multiple services in a check, not active checks. You can of course use the same script if you want, just having different parameters.

if not possible, are there any other checks available besides active checks which I can invoke from the checkmk instance? i want to avoid installing an agent on the target, because I can query everything via web services :slight_smile:

I guess you didn’t read my reply, Id recommend doing that first… :smiley:

Turn your script into a datasource program and run it as a special agent on the monitoring server.
The script then outputs its own agent data section(s), preferrably maybe the <<<local>>> section, and you can do whatever you want.


thanks for the hint. can you elaborate a bit more? is there any documentation available? am I then possible to monitor several remote hosts with that approach?

Have a look at Datasource programs -- Monitoring devices without access to an operating system, which focuses a little bit too much on just transporting “normal” agent data.

And for local checks look at Local checks.

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