Disable notification for services using folders

Hi community,

we need to disable notification automatically for specific services (with wildcard names like Interface XX) depending on in which folder the host is placed in.

Is there a way to do that or anything comparable?

Thanks in advance.

Please take a look at Host&Service Paramters section Notification rule Enable/disable notifications for services if it suites your requirements.


I’m not sure if what tosch wrote will suit you. What you can do is create a view, based on folders and then disable notifications for all the services from the hammer icon.


You are talking about downtime or acknowledge host/service problems, @nschell asked for disabling service notifications.
It’s not totally clear what @nschell likes to accomplish.

Hi @tosch,

I wasn’t talking about that :slight_smile:
This is what I was talking about:


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Okay, never used this and no clue what it’s actually doing, disabling notifications just at the core, maybe creating a rule or even just disabling notifications for these services just for the user.

I found it useful when you’re trying to manage several sites / folders in CME. Since in views you’ve got plenty of options it can sometimes suits you more than the regular rule creation.
But I get your point and you’re also right, just different approaches.

Cheers mate

@tosch We have several hosts in different folders.

Some Hosts (from openstack for example) create and remove Interfaces on the fly.
Those should be shown as Unknown/Warning/Critical but not produce any notifications for our night shift via Email/Telegram. So far I disabled all services by hand using what @tavanez wrote:

Doing that for each host in a specific folder can take some time though and some interfaces are created on the fly. So I need a way to automate that (disable notifications for specific services for hosts in a specific folder)…

Disabling notifications “on the fly” with this button will (afaik) only set the “live” state in the monitoring core. I suggest creating a WATO rule instead to set “Notification period for services” to “never”. This gives you all the usual flexibility of WATO conditions: service by regexp match, wato folder, …

In this case the rule I mentioned will be the best option. Rules can also be for specific folders and/or for hosttags too.
You can use regular expression for the service you like to disable notifications for.

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Yes, as @tosch says.
His “Enable/disable notifications for services” is more suitable than the “Notification period: never” I suggested.

I think that solved my question. Have to see if it works.

Thanks to all. @tosch @tavanez @martin.schwarz

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