Discovery parameters for filesystem checks ignore string

Hi all,

Is there a way to make discovery parameters to ignore all filesystem checks that have a certain string in?
For example, I would like to ignore all the /home for all check I make, or /tmp, or something else string.
I know that I can disable services, but I would like to avoid going server by server to disable all check that have this string.

Thanks in advance.

This is a ruleset. If you push the red button next to a service in setup a new rule will be created in that ruleset.

You can easily create your own rules there that match more generic (on all Filesystem /home checks for example).

Hi again,

As I’ve reached this was:
Go to the server that as a certain service type I want to disable;
execute the view and edit the parameters for this service;
Then on the monitoring configuration panel, push the disabled services;
Then in the bottom there is an option to create service specific rule for this case;
Give a name for this exception;
Under conditions panel, on Explicit hosts remove the check to apply to all hosts;
Under conditions panel, on services, If needed adapt the service tag to accomplish with the result needed;
Confirm that is working.

Hi r.sander

Do you know if there is a way for check what happen with a certain disable rule or a service check?
I’m asking this because it seems that some of my disable rules are not working at all and from what I see they are similar in everything to the one that are working…


Hi @whity

I’m not sure if I understand your question correctly, so I’ll take a wild guess: Do you mean how you can see whether a rule does or doesn’t apply for a particular service? Perhaps this part of the documentation, i.e. The analysis mode with ‘traffic lights’ is of interest for you. It may be, that some “other” rule overrides the rule(s) that you perceive as not working.

BTW, how’s it going with your mk_oracle on AIX issue? :slight_smile:


Hi openmindz,
I’m going to investigate that link before comment more about it.
Meantime I’ve also figure out that some rules weren’t working because of the regular expression that was incorrect, but other are ok and not working.

PS. MK_oracle on aix is currently pending, I’ve identified a lack of access and I’m waiting permission for continue. When I’ll have it, I’ll return to it and clarify in the topic as well :slight_smile: Thanks for the highlight.

Thanks in advance,

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