Discuss the Checkmk 2022 Conference agenda

I can share some topics that play for me and maybe interesting for other people.

  1. Piggyback data in distributed environment
    1.1 Documentation mention this topic, but maybe checkmk/ community or other people can show how/would they solve this problem. Of getting all the piggyback data to all other CheckMK sites. Waiting that this will change or rsync data has it draw back.
  2. From functional question to Technical Business Intelligence (BI) design
    2.1. I got functional question from other people and managers: I want capacity overview of the hole platform or see the health of customer application in one overview. Then BI is they way to go in combination with a dashboard. But I’m just beginning with this, maybe share how to start with BI. From something functional to technical design. We can start about maybe sharing BI idea’s.
  3. Hidden gems in core statistics in distributed environment
    3.1. When using CheckMK with micro core and version 2. More statistics become available through “Analyze configuration”. Maybe idea to talk about indication, what check type are there, why is usage so high and changing number to get maximum/best performance out of you CheckMK

ps loved the video on dashboard. Hope sharing of dashboard will become a thing
ps ps I will join online not in person :wink: