Documentation and clarification and rule-writer Help (Host Labels, Host Tags, Host Custom Attributes, Service Labels, Service Tags, Service Custom Attributes)

Please do us all a favor and add the following to the documentation as a clarification and reminder:
Hints and tips regarding Host Tags, Labels and the like:

  1. If you want to have “notification variables” like “Company Cost-Center”, “Responsible-Team”, “Colour of the server chassis” DO CREATE Custom Variables -> Reason: You have them available as single attributes.
  2. If you want to have “variables for NAGIOS plugins” like “Company Cost-Center”, “Responsible-Team”, “Colour of the server chassis” DO CREATE Custom Variables -> Reason: You have them available as single attributes.
  3. If you want to have “variables for CheckMK-rules” like “Company Cost-Center”, “Responsible-Team”, “Colour of the server chassis” DO CREATE Host Tags or Host Lables -> Reason: You have them available as single attributes.
  4. Pro’s and Con’s regarding Labels and Tags- You can’t properly manage service labels so be careful with them, and so on…

Those are just ideas but it would really help people set up enterprise scale environments more easily…

Second - Things you might have forgotten:
Add a section explaining things like the fact, that in the rule “Integrate NAGIOS plugins”, Host Custom Attributes are available by using the syntax $_CA[Variable-ID in capital letters]$ more prominently.

Third - Rule-writer help
It would be awesome if in the rule definitions, i could call up a nice helper window where i could input a hostname and a widget would show me all the current available “Variables” for the host with their current values - this should be doable by simulating an internal notification for a host and displaying the relevant attributes in the GUI. For me, this would be a quantum leap in usability.

It’s a web gui. Just open a separate browser tab or window if you need that info.

Hi @r.sander,
i know it’s like this but we talk about usability a lot and getting custom variables “with” their corresponding hidden IDs “and” a translation to the $_CA[Variable-ID in capital letters$ notation would really improve the usability for all users without year-long accomodation to CheckMK…
It’s just my gut feeling but for me this would be awesome. Right now, i’m unable to get this specific info “anywhere” within the GUI of CheckMK as far as I know…