Does Bakery can update agent config for add windows counter monitoring?


Before using CEE i use to update manually yaml agent config and add counter winperf config section to add the appropriate counter name to get.

Now with CEE and bakery i wonder if there is a way to make that automagically ?
i see a rule [Windows Performance-Counter objects] but it seem not add the necessary stuff on the agent side.

Do you know if there is a way to achieve the goal from bakery stuff ?


On my systems this is working you insert the counter number or name and the name of the outputed “winperf_%name%” section.


so we agree, you do not edit manually the agent config ?

for example if i want get the “tcp_conn” counter from windows host i just have to fill the rule with
“section name”: tcp_conn_stats
“counter” : tcp_conn
and click “bake and sign” for it work ?

or i miss something ?

Yes i don’t edit the config manually.
Here is a small screenshot with two rules, one numeric and one counter with name.

Then you have only to bake and sign the agents yes.

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