Double notifications

Hi guys,

replying in bulk, sorry for the delay.
@ rprengel

please check your active rules.
if possible have a look into the mailserver logfiles to check if mail are send once or twice by cmk

See answer below, using Telegram at the moment, not mail.
@ dennis.ehmer

have a look at ~/var/log/notify.log to identify unwanted notifications

Thanks for that lead, here is a snippet of that log:

2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Got raw notification (nextcloud.exzellius.local) context with 44 variables
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Global rule 'Telegram'...
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify]  -> matches!
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify]    - adding notification of cmkadmin, automation via
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [15] [cmk.base.notify] Global rule 'Pushover'...
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [15] [cmk.base.notify]  -> does not match: This rule is disabled
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Executing 1 notifications:
2023-01-03 00:16:40,903 [20] [cmk.base.notify]   * notifying cmkadmin, automation via, parameters: <obfuscated>, <obfuscated>, bulk: no
2023-01-03 00:16:40,904 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Creating spoolfile: /omd/sites/monitoring/var/check_mk/notify/spool/f36fc3b9-69af-4283-ab1e-d418b716dcdc
2023-01-03 00:16:40,905 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Creating spoolfile: /omd/sites/monitoring/var/check_mk/notify/spool/ae93ab13-9f28-4add-ab69-fe3f44cd679a
2023-01-03 00:16:45,652 [20] [cmk.base.notify] ----------------------------------------------------------------------

My question would be I guess: Why does it create two spool files?


See the docs for info on the analysis of the rule chain (deep link)

I have not had time to check that out, but I will.

@ ChristianM

You use “all users” in contact selection. If you have more than one user in your contact group advided to a host, you will get x times notifications. The solution is, to use an explicit user for pushover notifications.

I only have the default cmkadmin and automation users. I will check if the automation user is part of the contact group.
