E-Mail-Notification for dummies?

Hello there,

can anyone advise me a How-To to setup the mail notification this way, that I do not get any general status changes of the systems, but single customers get an E-Mail when one of their “precious” system or services get down?

We tried to set it up, but we were inundated with notifications e-mails, while the test user we had set up for some systems and services only received emails twice when the status changed, and then never again.

We work with one master and multiple slaves.

Hi Dirk,

check out this Fine-Tuning Guide: Fine-tuning the monitoring

Another thing you can do, is to create BI rules and the notify on those instead.

Hi Simon,

sry for the delayed replay. Thanks for the links.
The “Fine-Tuning the monitoring” is known to us.
The Bi rules are nice but I don’t see, where this does help us now.
Our problem is not to fine tune the monitoring by rules.

We are looking for a step-by-step tutorial for setting up E-Mail notifications only for specific customer systems for specific customer e-mail-addresses. In best-case this guide has a trouble shooting guide within, so far in my opinion the checkmk docs are insufficient in this point.

In general you find all about notifications here Notifications - via Email, SMS, ticket system and more
especially relevant for you would be the section about conditions of notifications
Rule conditions