EMC Unity monitoring via "check_mk_emcunity"

Hi @andreas-doehler
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve installed the MKP that you provided on your Github page and that is works in combination with EMC Unity 480F XT storage.
The check itself seems a bit slow +/- 55 secs to complete, but it does work.


Hi @Steven1,

i am actually reworking this special agent and plugin because it seems not actively maintained anymore.
It’s slow because the metrics are gathered each alone in a 5 second time frame and sum up massively if you have several service processors. If you don’t need the metrics you can comment them out at the special agent.
This special agent works with all EMC products supporting the uemcli interface.

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Hey @tosch

I am willing to test if you ever need it.
Where would I be able to find the file to comment out what I don’t need?

[EDIT] Please let me know when the new version would go live or tell me where I can follow that

Thanks again!

You will find the special agent at ~site/local/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_emcunity and empty the dictionary metrics, this will speed up the agent:

metrics = {
#    "temp"    : {"cmd_option" : [ "/metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.platform.storageProcessorTemperature show -interval 5 -count 1 -output csv" ]},
#    "cpu"     : {"cmd_option" : [ "/metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.cpu.summary.utilization show -interval 5 -count 1 -output csv"]},

You will lose the service for temperature and cpu utilization of the service processors.

The check dropped by 10 seconds, which is more manageable indeed. (runtime now is around 51 secs)

I am looking forward to the new version :slight_smile:

You can additionally disable all the checks in the special agent you don’t need. Any check is a call against the API and take some time. If you have a lot of luns or file systems it produces a really long output which takes this time. If you don’t need this information, just comment them out like the metrics.

Do you monitoring EMC devices by checkmk ? How can add EMC devices to checkmk ? Would you please help me ?

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was using GitHub - ImTheLucKyOne/check_mk_emcunity: Check_MK Extensions for Dell EMC Unity Storages

plugin broke following upgrade from 2.1.0p26 to 2.2.0p22. Is fork from above supported in 2.2 and if so whats URL ?

was also using the EMC Unity check. It was working for me until upgrade from CheckMK 2.2.0 to 2.3.0.
Using the latest available plugin 3.3.3 from GitHub - ImTheLucKyOne/check_mk_emcunity: Check_MK Extensions for Dell EMC Unity Storages
it installs fine, but checks are not working.

It still collects the information from the Unity, but there is an issue passing it to CheckMK:

Example output from cmk -d :
Ignoring outdated plugin ‘emcunity_fan’: Format no longer supported – this API is deprecated!

Output from agent_emcunity:
1: ID = dpe_fan_a3

  Enclosure      = dpe

  Slot           = 3

  Name           = DPE Cooling Module A3

  Health state   = OK (5)

  Health details = "The component is operating normally. No action is required."

  Manufacturer   = 

  Model          = 

  Part number    = 100-532-900-02

  Serial number  = 

2: ID = dpe_fan_a0

  Enclosure      = dpe

  Slot           = 0

  Name           = DPE Cooling Module A0

  Health state   = OK (5)

  Health details = "The component is operating normally. No action is required."

  Manufacturer   = 

  Model          = 

  Part number    = 100-532-900-02

  Serial number  = 

… next section.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix?
