Empty payload server/agent running on the same machine

cmk-agent-ctl 2.1.0p27
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Hello All,
I am new to check_mk
I am setting up a small site (only a few servers) - and successfully set one server (server rapps) with local checks running.

I’d like to monitor the server which is running checkmk server software (server ramon). So I installed check_mk_agent on that same server (ramon) and was expecting to run local checks in the same manner I ran them on rapps. I placed a simple script into /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/ but it is not executed by the agent/server. I was able to add ramon as a host and see some services that check_mk server picked up - they are shown/categorized differently from rapps, but most importantly local checks are not picked up.
The script I placed in /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/ has correct executable permissions for user root and when I run it, it returns expected results.
check_mk_agent local directory matches.
Is there a way to turn on some debugging to see what the agent is doing?
Perhaps the fact that this is a dual setup server/agent causes something to not work correctly?

Also Check_MK Agent shows warning and says that there are no local checks on ramon:

Check_MK Agent Version: 2.1.0p27, OS: linux, TLS is not activated on monitored host (see details)**WARN**, Agent plugins: 0, Local checks: 0
root@rapps:/etc/check_mk# cmk-agent-ctl status
Version: 2.1.0p27
Agent socket: operational
IP allowlist: any

Connection: ramon:8000/mon
        UUID: 267e1bfb-7218-433f-a9be-9e9f452d6231
                Connection type: pull-agent
                Certificate issuer: Site 'mon' local CA
                Certificate validity: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 23:25:26 +0000 - Wed, 28 Nov 3021 23:25:26 +0000
                Connection type: pull-agent
                Registration state: operational
                Host name: rapps

Also, I am getting Empty payload from controller at when I test connection to host ramon]. Which is probably why it never gets to local checks

Thank you in advance for your help

in my attempts to understand/fix the problem I am now running into a communication
issue between server and agent on ramon:

No services found. If you expect this host to have (vanished) services, it probably means that one of the confured data sources is not operating as expected. Take a look at the *Check_MK* service to see what is wrong.

but the agent seems to be functioning:

Version: 2.1.0p27
AgentOS: linux
Hostname: ramon.altre.local
AgentDirectory: /etc/check_mk
DataDirectory: /var/lib/check_mk_agent
SpoolDirectory: /var/lib/check_mk_agent/spool
PluginsDirectory: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins
LocalDirectory: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
{"version":"2.1.0p27","agent_socket_operational":true,"ip_allowlist":[],"allow_legacy_pull":false,"connections":[{"coordinates":"ramon:8000/mon","uuid":"4716acc6-5180-4890-a333-6a5e45db7d0d","local":{"connection_type":"pull-agent","cert_info":{"issuer":"Site 'mon' local CA","from":"Sun, 18 Feb 2024 03:01:55 +0000","to":"Fri, 21 Jun 3022 03:01:55 +0000"}},"remote":"remote_query_disabled"}]}
pluginsdir /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins
localdir /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
tmpfs          tmpfs      778000     1540    776460       1% /run
/dev/sda2      ext4    360123532 13956544 327800524       5% /
tmpfs          tmpfs     3889984       28   3889956       1% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs        5120        0      5120       0% /run/lock
/dev/sda3      ext4      1510792   259624   1156144      19% /boot
/dev/sda4      ext4    102626232      108  97366860       1% /home
/dev/sda5      ext4    493221656   785256 467308672       1% /opt
/dev/sda1      vfat      1098628     6216   1092412       1% /boot/efi
/dev/sdb1      ext4    479595176     3108 455156460       1% /work
tmpfs          tmpfs     3889984     5644   3884340       1% /opt/omd/sites/mon/tmp
tmpfs          tmpfs   

From my understanding, you need to re-issue the register command, like so:

cmk-agent-ctl register --hostname ramon.altre.local --server localhost --site mon --user cmkadmin

At least you should get rid of the “TLS is not activated” warning.

Thank you for your reply Simon. I tried this and other variations of host names and IP address for the local host. When ramon.altre.local is used as host name (or as IP address) with local the agent test still fails with empty payload, but all other tests succeed.

When I use IP address ping test succeeds, but all others fail. The working host used “–server ramon:8000” in registration command and it is working fine. My current registration for ramon is also using --server ramon:8000. The tests are using IP address the check_mk_agent still reports empty payload

Empty payload from controller at

It seems like I have some type of disconnect between cmk-agent-ctl process and check_mk_agent.

They seem to function ok as far as I can tell by the behavior each of them exhibits separately i.e.
cmk-agent-ctl works, socket is created and listening on port 5665 (this gets created after registration occurs). Once registration is deleted or the TLS registration is removed from UI, port 5665 clears up.

the agent process is running started by systemd

root@ramon:~# ps -ef | grep check
root     1213819       1  0 12:40 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/check_mk_agent
root     1223167 1211370  0 13:38 pts/4    00:00:00 grep --color=auto check

check_mk_agent returns data (including my local script) when I run it on command line.

I will try to figure out how to run check_mk_agent in debug/verbose mode and how to get to its log files next.

Any help/ideas is greatly appreciated!

OK, I figured this out. Here’s the report the record

my first problem was due to failure to register the host. The host names I ended up with is similar to the one from host rapps, which has been working fine:

cmk-agent-ctl register --hostname ramon --server ramon:8000 --site mon --user cmkadmin -v

The 2nd problem was my misreading the use of systemd vs inetd with starting the agent.
I manually killed an agent process and that lead me down the wrong path. I restored an agent later by re running the systemd service:

systemctl start check-mk-agent-async.service

and later turned on logging in the agent by adding -d flag to check-mk-agent-async.service file:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/check_mk_agent -d

and started looking into syslog, which reported a failure

Feb 18 15:00:28 ramon cmk-agent-ctl[1214837]: WARN [cmk_agent_ctl::modes::pull] [::ffff:]:39106: Request failed. (Error collecting monitoring data.)

In looking this up and reading about I realized that check-mk-agent.socket was down.
Starting it back up fixed the problem.

systemctl start check-mk-agent.socket

so all this was due to the operator error (i.e. myself), so now I know more about the software and hopefully this will be a smooth ride and possibly this post will help someone in the future.

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