Error migrating an existing local checkmk installation to a master site via distributed monitoring - permission denied

I face an issue while migrating hosts from a single checkmk instance to a master instance with distributed monitoring.

I made the satellite instance available via Livestatus tcp and added it with distributed monitoring in my master checkmk which works fine.
Now I want to copy the files from ~/etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato/ to the same path on the master site. as soon as the files have been copied, WATO is not working at all. I see errors like

Internal error: (13, ‘Permission denied’)

An internal error occured while processing your request. You can report this issue to the Checkmk team to help fixing this issue. Please open the crash report page and use the form for reporting the problem.

[Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/omd/sites/master/etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato///.wato.pkl’

where ///.wato.pkl is one of the hidden files I’ve copied.

Can anybody help here?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Sascha!

This is neither supported nor a good idea. You want to start from scratch, transfer rules manually and bulk import your hosts. Slightly more work, but worth it. And you will run into fewer issues down the road.

Thanks, that is what I did in the meantime, but the way described above is what is documented here: Distributed monitoring - Scaling and distributing Checkmk
After migrating manually now, the only thing not working is receiving traps at the master. Rules have been created and settings have been applied as before, but I don’t see any traps incoming on my master, but on the remote server with tcpdump for example. Am I correct with my intention, that traps will be still received on remote site and pulled from master via live status, or do I need to send them directly to the master? Any idea?

So, you need to configure the site to receive traps (omd config) and make sure the required ports are available. You then can send the traps to whatever site you prefer, they will be handled in their event console (according to the rules) and be visible from the central site.