Error while Removing services

Hello together I have similar problems,
but sometimes it’s just not possible

Also the shift of Host brought only so1 day what

Config with me

2 Server Debian 10 CMK 1.6 CMC/CEE
8 Core CPU
24 GB RAM each Server

for me the only help is still on the console cmk -R and then a cmk -O

then discard changes in WATO

Then the changes are accepted and WATO is clean again.

For me it doesn’t matter if I have a thousand or only 2 Changes

get also with -vv no errors displayed and the load of the CPU is current

top - 20:29:31 up 35 min, 1 user, load average: 6.40, 12.05, 14.97

also with less load I have the same problem

take a look hier also:

it thems to be a generell Problem

and yes, before there is another discussion about cmk -R or -O

But exactly in this order it works for me, that does not mean that it works where else it goes…

one point left after all … take a look into:


if there no Changes pending this folder should be empty

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