Error while running mssql.vbs on windows server

i tried to attach mssql server on windows 2016 . i m getting the attached screen error when i try to run the mssql.vbs .i try to install driver , but still error not gone , Download Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

can some body suggest ?

did you check if an other process blocking the connection, or the plugin run more than once?


yes , even i reboot the machine , but still the same error

The latest plugin has a fix for the OLE driver. You could test that on your MS SQL host:

Hi r.sander
Thanks for your reply , this mssql.vbs works fine .
i m curious to know where can i get such a bug fixes if i face in future for this or some other tool ?
also i wanted to know is there any way by which i can write my own script locally on main checkmk server and the same can be then used to monitor different servers instead of deploying on different machine ?

Bugfixes are usually requested via a support contract with the vendor or a partner.

This specific bugfix is already documented and will be released with checkmk 2.0: MSSQL Agent Plugin: Use MSOLEDBSQL if available

Implementing your own plugins and extensions is also possible but currently not very well documented: Guidelines for coding check plug-ins

Hi Sander
i just gone through Guidelines for developing check plug-in section ,
but the content are not clear.
can you please share if any example by which we can write small python or shell script and cover some inhouse daemon applications .

You could start with Local Checks: Extending an agent is simple
They are simple scripts on the monitoring host that get called by the agent.

Other examples are available in our github repo: GitHub - HeinleinSupport/check_mk_extensions: check_mk Plugins

HI Sander

thanks for the reply .
i have already tested the document mentioned for Extending an agent is simple

i understand the basic script of
echo “0 myservice - OK: This is my custom output”

but not understood for below , what does the exact use of this ?

This is the syntax of metrics that the local check outputs. Metrics are returned in the 3rd part as shown in the example:
0 myservice myvalue=73;80;90 My output text which may contain spaces

PS: You do not need to prefix the status output with OK, WARN or CRIT.

Hi Sander

i just check
echo “0 myservice myvalue=73;80;90 My output text which may contain spaces” produce OK
echo “0 myservice myvalue=94;80;90 My output text which may contain spaces” produce OK

its all depended on initial value of 0 1 and 2 , its not auto dedtecting OK WARn or CRIT
if i remove 0 like below , in panel it shows as UNKNOW
echo “myservice myvalue=94;80;90 My output text which may contain spaces” produce OK

Do you really read the part about dynamic status calculation?

Thank you , thats really very helpful

Hi Andreas

as per your suggestion
i m setting below value with local plugin for some daemon process on 1.06 check_mk.
P myservice3 count1=28;30;40|count2=25;23;27|count3=66;65;70 OK - This is my custom output"

my small question regarding graph which gets display .
i want to display count1 as count , count2 as Percentage (%) and count3 as MB memory on y axis , how i can achieve the same ?

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