Error with nagios plugin on check_mk 2.1.0p30

CMK version:

Hello, I get a error message trying to create a custom snmp_check witch nagios plugin under the section
Setup>Services>Other services>Integrate Nagios plugins>Edit rule: Integrate Nagios plugins

using the following syntax:
check_snmp -H ipaddress -o . -P2c -C public -r
‘mycommunitystring’ -w 80 -c 95

Error message:
External command error with no output (return code: 3)

changing the syntax to look like this: check_snmp -H ipaddress -C mycommunitystring -v -P 2c -o . -w 80 -c 95

I get the following feedback from the service:
/omd/sites/sitename/bin/snmpget -Le -t 10 -r 5 -m ‘’ -v 2c [context] [authpriv] ipaddress:161 .

Can someone help me with the right syntax, and another question, can ‘check_snmp’ also be used with snmp v3 and how would the syntax have to look in this case?

Thanks a lot for your guys help!

Best regards,
