Execute Checks on Linux maschines without Agent?

so i dont have to re"install" the Script Agent after making the bakery agent?

what i did is : i download the mk_logwatch.py plugin , placed it in usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins and configure the “text logfiles rule” but nothing is shown in the discovery.

if i have to deploy (install) the Script Agent once again the question is where can i find the new agent script with the text logfiles rule in it? or is it always the same agent script?

my understanding is :
the default agents are directly under /omd/sites/sitename/share/check_mk/agents
and when i bake the agent… checkmk create a new folder with new agents…like:
/omd/sites/checkmkmo/share/check_mk/agents/BakedAgentsomthing. and unter this folder i can download the new bash script agent with the logwatch rule.