Fail to register agent: 500 Internal Server Error:

CMK version: 2.1.0p27
OS version: Ubuntu 20.04

Command used for registration:
cmk-agent-ctl.exe register --hostname SRV001 --server <CHECK_MK_IP> --site mysite --user automation --password <PASSWORD>

Error message:

 ERROR [cmk_agent_ctl] src\ Error pairing with <CHECK_MK_IP>:8000/mysite

Caused by:
    Request failed with code 500 Internal Server Error: Internal Server Error

On my monitoring server I see the following entry in var/log/agent-receiver/error.log

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=5000): Max retries exceeded with url: /mysite/check_mk/api/1.0/root_cert (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fdd4fdc0400>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))

What I’ve tried so far:

  • Changed listener port 8000 to tcp4 (somehow, it was only running on tcp6)
  • Created reverse proxy with apache that proxies to port 5000 (=aka where check_mk site is running on)
  • Make sure port 5000 is only listening on localhost only (and not on
  • Tried registering with proxy, but I got the same error on the client when executing the command
  • Make sure all necessary ports are open on both client & host + verify if agent is running (I also disabled FW on both but this did not make any difference)

So now I’m a bit stuck. I’m wondering what this error (max retries exceeded) really means. As you can see, I’ve tried a lot of things. Anything I can do to reset the counter or something else?

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Were you able to resolve your issue? I’m running into the exact same problem.

Unfortunately no. Serveral updates later of check_mk and I’m still running into the same issue.