Fileinfo on windows 2k/xp

Hi community,

i wonder if someone already had my problem and found a solution for it.
i am monitoring some old windows systems (xp and 2k) using an old cmk agent 1.2.8p27 which works fine.

i want to monitor a file in a specific folder.
i do have a check_mk.example.ini under c:\programme\check_mk with the following content.

# Example configuration for Windows agent
    # Restrict access to certain IP addresses
    # If ipv6 is enabled, all listed ipv4 adresses are also accepted as
    # source adresses in their ipv6-mapped form. I.e. if
    # is listed, connections from 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:c0a8:3800/120
    # are also possible
    # only_from = ::1

    # Change port where the agent is listening ( default 6556 )
    # port = 6556

    # Disable ipv6 support. By default, ipv4 is always supported
    # and ipv6 is enabled additionally if supported by the system.
    # ipv6 = no

    # Do only execute programs and scripts with
    # the following suffixes (in local and plugins).
    # Per default all extensions except txt and dir
    # are being executed.
    # execute = exe bat vbs

    # Restrict the following configuration variables
    # in [global] to the following hosts
    # host = winsrv* zab???ad

    # Just output certain sections (e.g. for upper hosts)
    # sections = check_mk winperf

    # output sections in realtime updates. Please note that not all
    # sections can be used in realtime updates, the following is the
    # complete list
    # realtime_sections = mem df winperf_processor

    # specifies how long (in seconds) realtime updates are sent to
    # the last monitoring system that requested an update.
    # this should be longer than the request frequency (usually
    # one minute).
    # Please note that any new request cancels previous realtime
    # update schedules, so no more than one update is sent per second,
    # no matter if this timeout is "too high" or how many monitoring
    # systems are querying the agent.
    # realtime_timeout = 90

    # passphrase for encrypted communication. Currently this is only
    # used in realtime updates
    # passphrase = secret

    # Write a logfile for tackling down crashes of the agent
    # crash_debug = yes

    # by default the agent flushes the socket for each agent section.
    # this is mostly for debugging purposes in case the agent is slow
    # to respond.
    # Disabling this may (very) slightly reduce network traffic.
    # section_flush = no

    # Select counters to extract. The following counters
    # are needed by checks shipped with check_mk.
    # counters = 10332:msx_queues
    # counters = 638:tcp_conn

    # # Define textfiles to be monitored, separated by |
    # textfile = C:\tmp logfiles\message_*.log|D:\log\sample.txt
    # # Set patterns for defined textfiles
    # ok = Successfully logged in*
    # crit = Error in*
    # warn = Unable to contact*
    # ignore = Backup * saved

    # # Define additional textfiles with different patterns
    # textfile = C:\tmp\memo.udf
    # # Set patterns for defined textfile
    # warn = *overdue*
    # ok = *mail sent*

    # Testing: output *all* messages from the eventlogs
    # sendall = yes

    # From application log send only critical messages
    # logfile application = crit

    # From system log send only warning/critical messages,
    # but suppress any context messages
    # logfile system = warn nocontext

    # Switch all other logfiles off. Default is warn:
    # send messages of type warn or crit
    # logfile * = off

    # Run classical monitoring plugins. The word before the command
    # line is the service description for the monitoring. Use backslashes
    # in Windows-paths.
    # check = Dummy mrpe\check_crit
    # check = IP_Configuration mrpe\check_ipconfig
    # check = Whatever c:\myplugins\check_whatever -w 10 -c 20

    # path = C:\Programs\Foo\*.log
    # path = M:\Bar Test\*.*

    # define timeouts for local scripts matching
    # specific patterns - first match wins
    # timeout *.vbs = 20
    # timeout *.bat = 10
    # timeout * = 30

    # example: the windows_updates.vbs
    # plugin is executed asynchronous
    # and is only updated every 3600 seconds
    # it may fail (timeout / error) up to 3 times before the last known data is discarded
    # execution windows_updates.vbs = async
    # timeout windows_updates.vbs = 120
    # cache_age windows_updates.vbs = 3600
    # retry_count windows_udpates.vbs = 3

    # define timeouts for plugin scripts matching
    # specific patterns - first match wins
    # timeout ps_perf.ps1 = 20
    # timeout *.ps1 = 10
    # timeout * = 30

    # When using the Check_MK Inventory plugin, it is a good idea to make the
    # plugin being executed asynchronous to prevent it from hooking up the
    # whole agent processing. Additionally it should have a execution timeout.
    # execution mk_inventory.ps1 = async
    # timeout mk_inventory.ps1 = 240

    # Experimental: Set to yes to use wmi for retrieving process information.
    # This is required for the additional ps feature below.
    # use_wmi = no
    # Include the whole path of a process and its arguments in the process list.
    # full_path = no

so i copied the content and created in the same folder a new file called check_mk.ini and in the section

    # path = C:\Programs\Foo\*.log
    # path = M:\Bar Test\*.*

i added the path to my file like this:

     path = C:\pathtofolder\file.txt
    # path = C:\Programs\Foo\*.log
    # path = M:\Bar Test\*.*

but this does not work.

i also tried with the new sytanx of the check_mk.yml file

  enabled: true
  -  C:\pathtofolder\file.txt

this also did not help. does someone have an idea how to make it work?
my CMK Version is a 2.1.0p30

thank you for any help.