Fileinfo returning date string (Windows Agent)

[agent] Version: 1.6.0p10, OS: windows, [special_vsphere] Version: 1.6.0p10, OS: windows
Server 2k16 Build 14393

[server] raw 1.6.0p10
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS


i have the following problem on one server:
The agent always returning a data string, no matter how i change the config. If i running with default config, i only get a date string.

<<<fileinfo:sep(124)>>> 1585739905

If i configure a path to check, i get the date string and the path.

<<<fileinfo:sep(124)>>> 1585739741 d:\test\test.txt|0|1585739687

The date string get checked as file on the check_mk Server and is changing it state permanently.

This problem only occours on one server - agent already is reinstalled, server rebooted - no success.

Anyone have an idea?

Thanks and greetings

Can you post the content of your etc/check_mk/fileinfo.cfg?

There is no fileinfo.cfg, nether on the Linux Server nor the Windows “Client”


enabled: yes
path: []


# enabled: yes
# below are possible examples
    # - 'c:\a\a' # generates missing| string
    # - 'c:\Users\Public\*.log' # real string to process
    # - "this\\is\\not\\recommended\\" # double quoating uses escape sequences
    # - 'c:\Users\Public\**\Desktop.ini' works, 8 files to control
    # - 'c:\Windows\Resources\**\aero\aero*.*' works too, you will get two files in 'c:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\'
    # - 'c:\dev\shared_public\*.*' # typical test folder, provided during development
    # - ''  # empty strings will be ignored
    # - '--' # all string without "C:\" or "\\" at start will be ignored too for security reason

Where is the line with D:\test\test.txt?!

Just deleted it.

If i add it to the user.yml i will get the datestring and the file:

    # enabled: yes
    # below are possible examples
        - 'd:\test\*'
        # - 'c:\a\a' # generates missing| string
        # - 'c:\Users\Public\*.log' # real string to process
        # - "this\\is\\not\\recommended\\" # double quoating uses escape sequences
        # - 'c:\Users\Public\**\Desktop.ini' works, 8 files to control
        # - 'c:\Windows\Resources\**\aero\aero*.*' works too, you will get two files in 'c:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\'
        # - 'c:\dev\shared_public\*.*' # typical test folder, provided during development
        # - ''  # empty strings will be ignored
        # - '--' # all string without "C:\" or "\\" at start will be ignored too for security reason



The timestamp is correct inside the fileinfo check.
I think i know what your problem is :slight_smile:
Take a look at your “~/local/share/check_mk/checks/” directory, I think there is an old version of the fileinfo check what is not compatible with your current output.

On my systems there is no problem with the timestamp in line 1

Is empty…

OMD[prod]:~/local/share/check_mk/checks$ ls -al
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 prod prod 4096 Mar 30 11:31 ./
drwxr-xr-x 14 prod prod 4096 Mar 30 11:31 ../

On other systems with the same agent and config i don’t have this problem.

Looks like i got a hint…

If i change

Normal Checkmk agent, all configured special agents
Normal Checkmk agent, or special agent if configured
No Checkmk agent, all configured special agents

the file is vanished…

So this seems to be a problem with Normal Checkmk agent, all configured special agents.

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