Filesystems like /hedvig/d13 are not discovered with df check but with mount check

First thanks for your step by step support! I’ve updated today to latest version 2.1.0p16. Is it possible that selinux is interfering? But then why only for some fs information…

root      3723  0.0  0.0  27168   964 ?        Ss   Nov10   0:20 /usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/
service check-mk-agent
    type           = UNLISTED
    port           = 6556
    socket_type    = stream
    protocol       = tcp
    wait           = no
    user           = root

    server         = /usr/bin/check_mk_agent

    per_source     = 3

    log_on_success =

    disable        = no