"Fix All" not working after update from 1.6.0.p22 to 2.0.0.p1

i’m using CMK as docker-container with no problems. So i’ve tried to update to 2.0.0:
docker-compose stop
backup data directory
changed docker-compose.yml:
version: ‘2’

image: checkmk/check-mk-raw:2.0.0-latest
restart: always
- ./data/checkmk:/omd/sites
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- 8080:5000
- 161:161
- 162:162
- 514:514
- 161:161/udp
- 162:162/udp
- 514:514/udp

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
showed no errors
GUI is running fine
I’ve a host with some service vanished and some new (agent 1.6.22) and in WATO/Services the “fix all” is running some time, but no change is initiated. I can change them each one by one, but the simple way does not work.
What should i do to get it running?

But the “fix all” button is running some time and no changes to

Had the same problem. For me disabling the check boxes solved the problem.

You said there were no checkboxes active?
By the way. This will soon be changed so that the “Fix all” button recognizes the checkboxes

Yes, that was the solution!

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