Flapping detection not working

CMK version: 2.2
OS version: Debian 12

I have set up hosts and get notified by email. I get lots of emails for flapping services like Temperature. So I set up flapping detection like this:

But still getting lots of emails for services flapping. what am I doing wrong, it seems it is not working ?


Hi Stefan,

do your mails actually say “Flapping” - because then flap detection works, but you also can configure wether you want to be notified about Flapping or not.

See the notification conditions:

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Thanks @gstolz I am trying this now, will report back.

I have set the option, but now we receive many more notifications not related to flapping. and still no flapping notifications.


I’m now unsure what you want to achieve…
do you want to have e-mails telling you service is flapping or do you want to surpress them?

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sorry for the confusion. I had an older version of checkmk running at home with flapping detection on. when a service was flapping, I received one mail for start flapping and one end flapping and no mails of the service going warn and ok and so on. thats what I want to achieve.

By activating the option on the notification entry, notification emails have changed. they look different now. I have to watch this.

we are getting email notifications now for services we didn’t want to get notifications for. there is no entry in the rules for these serives, but we are receiving email notifications. the option in the notification rule is already disabled with no success.

Thanks @gstolz I think my fault was to modify the existing notification rule, and not creating an new one. Trying it with a new rule now.

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I think here is a bigger knowledge gap at play, and not a specific error, that can easily be answered. Maybe consulting or training should be considered.