General Problem with the BI

Hello, everyone,

i have a general understanding problem with the BI.

If I look in the manual in the BI under point 9.4, the BI should, according to my understanding, go back into status OK with an acknowledged problem.

With me, in CMK 1.6.0p6 CEE this is not the case, is it now a bug or an error on my part ???

Greetz Bernd

Hi Bernd,

aggregates do not “go back to OK” with acknowledged problemns, they’re simply getting acknowledged automatically.

I just tested this in my 1.6.0p6 and it works like intended, see attachment…


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Hi, Marcel,

the behavior is exact as with me but not necessarily as I read it out of the manual and how I need it.

here the excerpt from the manual:

Hi Bernd,

ACKs never recovered any service or aggregate back to OK and will never do so - there’s a problem, but that’s worked on (ACK’ed), that’s the way to go.
The BI article is not finished yet, so it may still contain misleading information. I’ll inform our knowledge team about this…


Hi Bernd,

the manual is correct, it’s just formulated a bit terse. If you consider the two bullets carefully, they describe the behaviour in reference to how OK states are propagated:
An aggregate status is acknowledged if and only if all acknowledged sub-states being considered OK would make the aggregate status OK as well.
Why? Intuitively, an acknowledgement expresses that this problem is known and being worked on. (“The technician is informed”) For an aggregation that is not OK, this can be naturally extended in the following way: “If I ignore all problems that have been acknowledged, would the aggregate status still be non-OK?”

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Hmm… maybe you should consider to make the behavior of the BI more flexible by having the option to set the behavior, similar to the point “Aggregation of Downtimes”.

Solved with this Rule:

Check State of BI Aggregation