Grafana Geomap usage with Checkmk

Hi everyone,

I use Checkmk Raw Edition 2.2.0p16 version. Also I integrate checkmk in grafana according to documentation. Everything is ok but I want to use Grafana geomap feature. I want to add my hosts to the main regions on my map and control the down/up controls on the map.
Granted, I can pull up the Uptime service of on my hosts, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the location information (lat, long) or how can I add it? If anyone has tried it, I would be very happy if they could let me know.

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Does anyone know the issue?

I would also be interested in this feature.

Nagvis is too slow for this in larger environments.

@marcel.arentz FYI - any thoughts on this?

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We already discussed around this topic (mainly regarding the future of NagVis). There are some options, we could think of. But as of now, we do not have any specific plans.
For Grafana we will enhance the variable-feature, first. Next biggest request has been the handling of states in Grafana.
For Checkmk/Nagvis we’re looking for an intermediate step. See also the suggestion on our ideas portal:

So, in summary, it’s currently not possible to use long/lat information in Nagvis.


@marcel.arentz - Do you mean “…in Grafana…”

Why not?

And some very old screenshots from an old implementation.

Yeah - I meant “… in Grafana.”

This is, because we cannot know in advance how you named your custom host attributes. Nagvis supports that by expecting specific custom host attributes. This is nothing, we want to officially do in Checkmk/Grafana.

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Hi @marcel.arentz ,

I think it would make sense to define custom attributes, if this would make geomaps possible.
Do you have a clue how it could be possible to use grafana for geomaps with data from Checkmk? If so, please provide them and the community could start to develop something.

THX :slight_smile: