Graph time range daylight saving issue

Hi guys,

I come across an issue on the time on graphs.

I am here in Auckland, New Zealand. Initially, I found the 4 hours, 25 hours time range is 13 behind our time. I fixed it by putting timezone configuration in php.ini.

However, it’s still one hour behind, which must be daylight saving.

Please see the screenshot I uploaded. The time under the graph is correct but besides 4 hours range, it one hour behind.

Is there a fix for that?



I remember that problem in PNP4nagios a long time ago also here in Northern Europe
Dind’t know that its still persisting.
Sorry for the question but: the local time of your checkmk machine is correct?


Hi Thomas,

Yes local time is correct.

root@aduis235:~# date
Fri Oct 30 08:45:38 NZDT 2020


Actually I just released it’s still showing UTC time.

The change of timezone in php.ini didn’t make a difference.

That sounds very familiar :slight_smile:
Here is an artivel that refers to a config_local.php file, maybe this helps?
I remember we just left as it was and later switched to Checkmk CEE

BR Thomas

Thanks I think I’ve resolved it.

Was changing the wrong php.ini file, the right one should be under checkmk site folder etc/apache/php.ini

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