Help creating SNMP Check

The script has been remade.

switchcpu_default_levels = (80.0, 90.0)

def check_switchcpu(item, params, info):
     data = (info).split("(")[1].split(")")[0].strip().replace("%","")
     util = float(data)
     infotext = "CPU utilization" + str(util)
     warn, crit = params
     perfdata = [("util", util, warn, crit, 0, 100)]
     if util >= crit:
         return (2, infotext + " (critical at %d%%)" % crit, perfdata)
     elif util >= warn:
         return (1, infotext + " (warning at %d%%)" % warn, perfdata)
         return (0, infotext, perfdata)

check_info['switchcpu'] = {
    'check_function'        : check_switchcpu,
    'inventory_function'    : lambda info: [(None, "switchcpu_default_levels")],
    'service_description'   : 'CPU utilization',
    'snmp_info': ('.', ["9"]),
    'snmp_scan_function'    : lambda oid: True,
    "group"                 : "cpu_utilization",
    "has_perfdata"          : True,

With this i get an error in the web panel.