Help creating SNMP Check

From the NETGEAR-SWITCHING-MIB I see this oid relates to agentSwitchCpuProcessTotalUtilization. I am not sure what values you were looking for with 2, 3 and 8.

From memory, try this.

  def inventory_netg_cpu(info):
     # Debug: lets see how the data we get looks like
     import pprint;pprint.pprint(info)
     return [ (None, None) ]
  def check_netg_cpu(item, params, info):
     return (3, "UNKNOWN - not yet implemented")
  check_info["netg_cpu"] = {
      "inventory_function"    : inventory_netg_cpu,
      "check_function"        : check_netg_cpu,
      "service_description"   : "CPU Utilization (5 Sec.)",
      "snmp_scan_function"    : lambda oid: oid(".").startswith(".") and \
                                            oid(".") != None
      "snmp_info"             : ( ".", ["0"] )

If you run an inventory with that check against your switch it will print the contents of info. You can then undestand how the data is returned and can check it before returning the results.

cmk -v --checks netg_cpu -II XS716T-switch

In the check_netg_cpu function you can then extract the 5 second percentage and return that as the details to the check.