Help needed with Kubernetes monitoring

Hi Andreas
the result is the same whether i put

./agent_kubernetes '-v' '--debug' '--token' 'xxx' '--infos' 'nodes,services,deployments,pods,daemon_sets,stateful_sets' '--port' '443' '--no-cert-check' 'host'


> ./agent_kubernetes '--token' 'xxx' '--infos' 'nodes,services,deployments,pods,daemon_sets,stateful_sets' '--port' '443' '--no-cert-check' '-v' '--debug' 'host'

In WATO -> Diagnostic it says for the Agent: API Error:Your request timed out after 110 seconds. This issue may be related to a local configuration problem or a request which works with a too large number of objects. But if you think this issue is a bug, please send a crash report.

I am sorry… i feel a little dumb now… am i missing something?
