Help with constant CRITICAL - x.x.x.x: rta nan, lost 100%

Hi everyone!

Please could someone help me with this problem.

I am having constant alerts for;

OK - x.x.x.x: rta 0.245ms, lost 0%
CRITICAL - x.x.x.x: rta nan, lost 100%

  1. This is happening seemingly randomly on nearly all monitored hosts.

  2. I cannot reproduce the issue with PING or MTR etc. from the checkmk machine.

  3. Having a Google and seeing the same problems, I have set the following:

Normal check interval for host checks = 3 minutes

Retry check interval for host checks = 2 minutes

PING and host check parameters = ;
Round trip average: |6000.00 ms, 9000.00 ms|
Packet loss: |80.0%, 100.0%|
Number of packets: |2|
Total timeout of check: |30|

  1. As its happening on local LAN and remote WAN hosts, I assume its an issue with my checkmk.

This has been ongoing for a long time, but only now am I reaching out for help.


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Running into same issue while monitoring over 400 hosts. Appreciate any help.

FWIW its not endemic to Check_MK - but its always a good idea to include the version you are running.

I suspect the issue is that these ping times are accurate - you have a network problem.

I suggest your next step would be to setup a parallel monitoring script, if possible on the CMK host and elsewhere just doing a ping and logging the results and see if the data from there correlates with what you see in Check_MK