Hosts show Check_MK service for SNMP monitoring as "CRIT" "Null"

Thank you for your advice.
I have tried to delete the entire folder having hosts where check was only ping and then create the folder again and populated with hosts. After that the settings “Legacy:Only ping this device” was working and I didn’t see any service Check_MK null on all hosts from the folder.
But when I have a folder where I declare at least SNMP, the service Check_MK apear on host as critical, even I choose “Legacy:Only ping this device”.
This version 2.1-p10 of Check_MK is not working properly.
Whatever rule I will set in order to ignore/disable check_mk service from hosts where I need only ping, is not applicable. Is ignored by Check_MK server.
Probably I will take your advice and roll back to version 2.0.
Thank you!