How can I specify metric names containing blanks in local checks?

Local Check - specify correct Unit for Graph Metric already helped, but I realized, that with this method I have to also specify color and unit, otherwise I get ugly Python tracebacks instead of a graph :-), but I’d like to only set the title and leave the rest up to Checkmk (which does a pretty good job). This one worked fine:

metric_info["mymetric"] = {
    "title": _('my metric title with blanks'),
    "color": "#0000cc",
    "unit":  "count"

but this statement - when omitting the above assigment - didn’t have any effect at all:

metric_info["mymetric"]["title"] = "my metric title with blanks"

also not:

metric_info["mymetric"]["title"] = _("my metric title with blanks")

The single-line assignments only had an effect, if prior to them, the block with the complete dictionary was executed. Isn’t it possible to set single properties of a custom check metric?