How can monitor EMC devices by checkmk

I use dpkg -i to install uemcli package and now it is showing

root@checkmk:/# uemcli -d -u Monitor -securePassword -sslPolicy store /sys/general show
Storage system address:
Storage system port: 443
HTTPS connection

1: System name = CKM00182901751
Model = Unity 600
Platform type = EMC Storage System
Product serial number = CKM00182901751
Auto failback = on
Health state = OK (5)

Was the output “mkp -v enable emcunity 3.2” ok ? There is no need to change permissions ?
Also my checkmk version is : Version: 2.1.0p18

The output looks like it is on my system. The permission messages are ok as inside the mkp the files have the “wrong” permissions and CMK correct this at activation time.

The file responsible for the setup menu items is also there.


It must work.

Are you using the same version checkmk and emcunity such as me ?
checkmk Version: 2.1.0p18

Yes - my dev container is p18 and i installed the 3.2 from the emcunity mkp.

This is so strange . I have run follow command to run container :
Is that correct ? There is no need extra permissions for files ?

docker run -itd -p 8080:5000 -p 8000:8000 -v /var/checkmk:/omd/sites -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --name checkmk --hostname checkmk checkmk/check-mk-raw

I have attached both web.log files . I think there are some errors in “var-checkmk-mysite-var-log-web.log”
Would you please check them ?

var-checkmk-cmk-var-log-web.txt (11.1 KB)
var-checkmk-mysite-var-log-web.txt (26.4 KB)

The problem solved . We should login to mysite user with omd su cmk and after that we should install mkp

After i saw two log files is was suspecting something like this. Normally there is only one site inside a container not two.

Thansk. As I said the issue solved Actually I used sudo command for use mysite user but now login mysite user with omd su cmk and install mkp and the issue solved . Another thanks from you

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There is just one issue due discovery it can detect all items foe unity such as follow pic

But after accept all and active it cannot check them .

Also when I click on checkmk fire icon it shows follow

Why it is showing KeyError (vsphere)
Also what is secret password here that is showing P@ssw0rd

Hi Alex,

looks like there are multiple special agent / datasource integration rules that apply to your emc host, please check the rule “VMware ESX via vSphere” - I guess there is at least one rule in there, that has conditions which also match your EMC host.


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That is correct I change the rules and the issue solved .

Dear friends. So thanks
@gstolz , @andreas-doehler , @chauhan_sudhir @elias.voelker

Just one question Is there other plugins that can use for monitor EMC unity ? Or is that possible add some items to this one ? for example I am looking for that plugin or rules such as Datastore IO that can that can show Read/Write latency or IOPS for each disks and LUNs . Is there any solution for that ?

hi @alexzolat

glad that things are working out.

You can always expand the existing plugins with stuff you write on your own. For that, you just copy the plugin into your /local folder and make the modifications there. If it detects a plugin of the same name, Checkmk will always take what’s in your local over the default plugin

Take a look here: Writing your own check plug-ins

Thanks. As change for EMC unity plugins is not easy process I just want to know is there any solution to get latency from physical disk or LUNS ? Also I added Disk IO discovery rule but it does not work for EMC unity disks and it works only for ESXi disk . So Is there any plugins or extension for that ?

Is there any solution to get disk latency on EMC unity . Because this plugin just can detect disk status , fan status , sp status , … and does not show any info about IOPS or latency on disks or LUNs

This is not so easy to answer. First you need to check with the EMC documentation if this data can be fetched with some commands like the other ones used inside the agent.
Or better said is it possible to use uemcli to get this data.
If you can answer this with yes, next step would be to extend the agent and produce a sample output.
After this is working it is needed to create a check inside CMK that uses this new output and produces some check results.

I could find uemcli command to get latency on disk :

uemcli -d -u Monitor -securePassword -sslPolicy store /metrics/value/rt -path sp..physical.disk..responseTime show -interval 5

and show follow output :

|spb |dae_5_3_disk_5 | 608.3
|spb |dae_5_3_disk_7 | 8880
|spb |dae_5_3_disk_9 | 12147
|spb |dae_5_4_disk_1 | 263.5
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_0 | 1074
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_1 | 3257
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_11 | 290
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_13 | 369.1
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_2 | 4192
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_3 | 1674
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_4 | 23233
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_5 | 5164
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_6 | 16614
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_7 | 2988
|spb |dae_5_5_disk_9 | 181.0
|spb |dpe_disk_0 | 1190
|spb |dpe_disk_1 | 1217
|spb |dpe_disk_10 | 3083
|spb |dpe_disk_11 | 552.6
|spb |dpe_disk_12 | 20623
|spb |dpe_disk_13 | 5520
|spb |dpe_disk_15 | 19.67
|spb |dpe_disk_2 | 1241
|spb |dpe_disk_3 | 1096
|spb |dpe_disk_5 | 63.97
|spb |dpe_disk_6 | 14930
|spb |dpe_disk_7 | 900.3

How can use this to show in checkmk GUI ?

Would you please help me about this ?

As i wrote before now you need to extend the existing special agent with the found command.
Inside the agent from line 102 onwards you see the different commands the agent uses.
Also you see two metrics commands.
Here you need to insert your commands and define the section name the newly created data should have.

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